Contact: Jocelyn Cohen (Director, Sustainable Flatbush Energy Solutions Initiative) or Anne Pope (Founder/Director, Sustainable Flatbush) (718) 208-0575
Energy Efficiency and Affordability Where We Live:
Sustainable Flatbush Organizes Neighborhood Energy Forum to Support Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects
Flatbush, Brooklyn — Sustainable Flatbush and its partners will host a Neighborhood Energy Forum on Saturday, March 20, 2010, at the Brooklyn College Student Center, 9:30 am to 2 pm. At this event homeowners, tenant organizations, landlords, and building managers will learn what they need to get started with major energy efficiency projects — from energy audits to weatherization to solar-electric, for both large multi-family buildings and 1-4 family homes. The Neighborhood Energy Forum promises to give you the information you need to navigate the maze of programs and take the first steps toward making your project a reality.
In 2008, Municipal Arts Society and Flatbush Development Corporation published their Imagine Flatbush 2030 report, which identified the lack of energy efficient buildings as one of the neighborhood's greatest challenges. "Inefficiency drives up energy costs, contributes to air pollution (almost 80% of New York City's greenhouse gas emissions are produced by buildings), and hurts everybody, especially low-income people. That is why Sustainable Flatbush is organizing this event, to help residential building stakeholders raise the money they need for major energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy projects, and for neighbors to share resources and best practices." — Anne Pope, Executive Director, Sustainable Flatbush.
At the Neighborhood Energy Forum, participants will hear from the experts about what to do, step-by-step, and an Energy Fair will feature contractors who specialize in this kind of work. Event partners to date include National Grid, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), ConEd, and Flatbush Development Corporation.
For more information about attending the Neighborhood Energy Forum, visit: http://sustainableflatbush.
Sustainable Flatbush brings neighbors together to mobilize, educate, and advocate for sustainable living in our Brooklyn neighborhood and beyond.